Assignment 4: Unsupervised Learning

Deadline: June 29, 2020 @08:00 CEST

The aim of this assignment is getting familiar with unsupervised methods. In particular, we will experiment with dimensionality reduction with PCA and clustering using k-means.

The data set we will use for this purpose is the Twitter data we collected during assignment 1. Public page and your repository contains a smaller sample of the data (in accordance with Twitter’s developer policy). This sample should be enough for the purposes of the assignment, but if you want to see the effects of more data, the full data set can be obtained from the private course repository.

As before, you are strongly recommended to use the scikit-learn library for this assignment. You will probably need numpy and scipy as well.

Implement the exercises as indicated in the template.


4.1 Read the data (1p)

Write the code for function read_data() in the template, which simply reads the tab-separated file with two columns, where the first column is the Twitter screen name, and the second columns is the texts of the tweet.

4.2 Create “person vectors” (2p)

Implement the encode_people() function in the template. This function should take the data read in Exercise 4.1 above, and return a (sparse) vector of per-document average word or n-gram counts for each person in the data set.

You are recommended to use scikit-learn’s CountVectorizer for counting the words per document. You should write your own code to average over these document vectors for each person. For the purposes of this exercise, simple bag-of-words features are sufficient. However, you are recommended to experiment with higher level n-grams as well (see below for more possible additional exercises).

This function should return a list of unique screen names, and a numpy or scipy (sparse) array of shape (n_names, n_words), where n_words is the number of word types (or n-gram types) in the whole corpus.

You are not required to, but recommended to experiment with the following:

See the steps below for potential ways to compare different outcomes. Note, however, it is difficult to objectively measure the effects of these steps, as we do not have any explicit ‘cluster labels’ for the people in our data set.

4.3 Similarities between people (2p)

Implement the function most_similar() in the template which should print top-n most similar and most dissimilar people according to cosine similarity between the vectors representing them.

The output should be a sorted list of most similar people with the similarity score printed next to them in a row. Similarly, output should contain another list with most dissimilar people, again with the similarity metric printed next to them.

You are not required to report to output, but you are strongly recommended to inspect to output for a few people you know and reason about the similarities based on the vectors you created (possibly in combination with the different options suggested in 4.2).

4.4 Dimensionality reduction (2p)

Reduce the dimensionality of the “person vectors” using PCA (reduce_dimensions() in the template). You can use either PCA or TruncatedSVD implementations from scikit-learn.

You are required to set the dimensions of the resulting (dense) vectors such that it is the minimum dimensionality that explains at least 99% of the variance.

Experiment with similarities with the dense vectors (you do not need to show this for grading, but you are probably be curious if anything changes after dimensionality reduction, e.g., in the ranked similarities you inspected earlier).

4.5 Plotting the low-dimensional data (1p)

Implement the plot() function in the template, which plots the screen names of people on coordinates of two dimensions of the (dense) vectors indicated given as arguments, and writes the output to an external file. The coordinate each screen name printed should be (by default) the first and second dimensions of the corresponding dense vector.

Are the distances you see on the graph what you expect from earlier calculations? (Again, you do not need to answer the question or analyze this formally, but you should inspect and compare.)

4.6 Clustering with k-means (1p)

Implement the function cluster_kmeans(), which clusters the (dense) vectors obtained in 4.4 into pre-specified number of clusters, and prints out the screen names of the people in each cluster.

The output should look like (for 8 clusters)

0: f b c g e
1: a d
7: h x y

the numbers are the cluster numbers and letters are the screen names.

4.7 Picking the number of clusters (1p)

Implement the function plot_scree() in the template, that plots a scree plot of k-means clusters from k=2 to number of clusters specified by max_k. The score plotted on the scree plots should be the silhouette score of the predicted clusters.

You should determine the number of clusters based on this graph (you do not need to show this for grading).